You All Laugh Because I Am Different , I Laugh Because You Are All The Same ✌

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Before I Die ! :))

Before 21th December 2012 I could write this ! :) 

Lolololol ! 

1. Oh Yea ! Go to Paris with them ! :D 
Parisssssssss and Londonnnnnnnn !! <333

2. I want own a nice camera !! :DD 

3. I want to having long hairrrrr !! :) 
If last year din't cut , it should be very long nowwwww ! :/

4. Go to Water Park with themmm ! :p 

5. Attend a Justin Bieber Concert !!!!!!!! <3 
Justin my Husband ! ;pp

6. Getting New Clothes as many as I cannnnn !! :pp 

7. Meet One Directionnnnnn ! <3 Niall Horannnnnnnnnn ! <3333

8. Doing crazy things with Themmm ! :)) 

9. I want own an Iphoneeeeeeeee !! :DD

10. Go on Camping trip with all of my friendsss ! =DD 
And say ghost story ! 
Lololololol ! 

11. Go Beach again with themmm ! :DD
But I don't really like the smell of the beach ! ;)

12. I have to be more thin !! 
Have my dream body ! :DD

13. Laughing uncontrollably until my stomach hurts ! :v

14. Taking  many vain photos 
Capture many photo with themmm ! :$

15. Tell everyone what I really think about them ! :pp 
Muahahahahaahahahaa ! :pp

                                                                                                                                      Jiaaaa ! :8

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